Ready To Bleed
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Chapter 2: Needle In The Ball Pit
I'm sure a good many of you have received the email chain letter that warns you against letting your child get into the ball pit at McWhatever food chain because of the evils lurking at the bottom. They want you to know/believe that lying and festering at the bottom of the ball pit are the likes of feces, urine, vomit, dirty diapers, old rotten food, and even hypodermic needles with heroin in them.

If we are thinking logically, wouldn't something like this be a national news story and not just some random email getting forwarded around to gullible people? Do you realize you have to be under 3 feet or so to even get in the ball pit? I doubt drug addicts are handing their kids needles to drop in the pit for them to sabotage other little children. Now the rest of the stuff sounds feasible but i don't think these pits are swimming in this stuff either, otherwise more people would notice their children getting dirty every time they take a dive in the pit.

Chain letters and email forwards of these sort are basically out there to drive fear into the easily fooled. Its as if the media and the government don't drive enough fear into us as it is, but these muckabouts who have nothing better to do online feel the need to add to the stress the nation is already experiencing. People wonder why there are more people with agoraphobia than there used to be, and its because of fear.

Oh but then wait. The next chapter will feed on your fear. Sorry.

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posted by Nikki @ 10:58 AM  
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Name: Nikki
Home: San Antonio, Texas, United States
About Me: I am a music-phile. And I also like to over analyze things I know nothing about. Somehow, it helps me learn.
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"In that way it's like you're telling it's history without knowing where it's going, or that maybe where it's come from was designed in advance, or even more amazing, that where it's gone was all a patient thing that this person wanted to do so that then it could appear to be there while it slowly becomes clear (even more in hindsight) that it was all planned and that all our thoughts were designed for us by our vision of what's to come." - quote from 1999 Andrew WK interview

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