Monday, March 26, 2007 |
Chapter 6: The Rich, The Poor, and the FDA |
In medieval times, obesity was regarded as a sign of affluence being the prerogative of Barons, Lords and the Clergy.4 In the renaissance period, the paintings and sculptures of well-padded females by Botticelli, Da Vinci and Raphael or the curvaceous nudes of Rubens all suggest that a certain degree of obesity was admired. In the 18th century, the possession of a bulging paunch was not regarded as exceptional or as a matter of shame.5 By the late 19th century, there were signs of a shift in attitude with obesity being regarded as an affliction.6 Thinness was now regarded as a symbol of feminine beauty and in upper class society, there was interest in slimming aids such as ephedrine. Such attitudes have continued into the 20th century and have been reinforced by the re-discovery of related health risks -Source
Back in medieval times, the fatter you were, the easier it was for people to recognize your status. Poor people back then did not have the money for the fatty food of the time, so they were pretty much forced to eat healthy with what little they had. The fat would look down upon the thin, for they were the dirty lower class.
Today, we have almost a mixture of the two, with the rich and the poor being thin, and the rich, poor, and middle class also being fat. Thing is, in medieval times, the rich and snobby were almost punished for the way they behaved with rotting teeth, scurvy and the like, because of the awful food they ate. These days, the rich punish themselves by telling themselves, and each other, that the size 2 dress they are wearing means they are incredibly obese, and they wind up starving themselves, or becoming bulimic, both of which, again, ruins the body. Bulimia is known to rot your teeth and ruin your vocal cords, and anorexia can weaken your bones and mess up your internal organs.
On the other hand, the poor are the ones who wind up becoming fat and their bodies get weakened as well. The food that is ultimately bad for us is what is cheapest, while healthy, and/or organic food is extremely expensive, and wouldn't feed a person for a day, if they bought it for the same price. They wind up getting weak organs and rotting teeth as well.
This is where the FDA comes in to save the day, by making us all dependent on drugs. Its a joint effort on both halves of the Food and Drug Administration. They make the food horrendous so we will have to take pills for the rest of our lives. They are only in this for the money, and not for the well being of the American public. Know this. Do your research and find out what natural plants can help heal and maybe even cure your ailments, instead of just suppressing the symptoms. Don't become a slave to the FDA.
Hope I didn't get flagged again. ;)
Read this for more info on food and class in medieval times.
Labels: anorexia, bulimia, drugs, fat, fda, food, healthy, medieval, obese, pills, skinny, thin, unhealthy |
posted by Nikki @ 8:18 AM  |
Thursday, March 22, 2007 |
Chapter 5: Subordinate to Technology |
Society in general has become much too dependent on technology. We live our lives through our cell phones, our computers, internet, fax machines, mp3 players, bluetooth, and what's looked over as technology like cars, television and radio. We spend our lives with something attached to one part of our body or another. I'm doing it right now. So are you. How long before we start installing things inside of our bodies? Some people are already making that step, with RFIDs in their wrists for keyless unlocking of their houses, or inserting GPS into their animals in case they get lost, and some people even put the GPS tracker in themselves. None of this has hit mainstream. Yet. The more acceptable it becomes for people to carry around their mp3 player or to hold the bluetooth closer to their heads, the more acceptable it will become to have the bluetooth installed onto our skulls for easier access. We won't blink an eye when the person next to us at the piercing/tattoo parlor is having an mp3 player drilled into their arm. And we will be the one at the Apple store having our eyes set to be acting computer monitors instead of having the clunky thing on our desks. Labels: computers, gps, internet, ipod, mp3, skulls, slave, technology |
posted by Nikki @ 6:27 PM  |
Monday, March 19, 2007 |
Chapter 4: Illusion Of Life |
What if everything around you, Isn't quite as it seems? What if all the world you think you know, Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection, Is it all you want it to be? What if you could look right through the cracks, Is that all you want to be Would you find yourself...find yourself afraid to see?
What if all the world's inside of your head? Just creations of your own Your devils and your gods all the living and the dead And you're really all alone
You can live in this illusion You can choose to believe You keep looking but you can't find the words, You can't choose to believe Are you hiding in the trees? Now you're hiding in your dreams
What if everything around you Isn't quite as it seems What if all the world you used to know, Is an elaborate dream?
--Nine Inch Nails, Right Where It Belongs
I've often wondered, what if the world as we know it is just an illusion? I've read things that tell you that everything is made of energy, and that when you aren't looking at something, its merely a wave, and that because everything is made of energy, its all connected, and you have the ability to change anything in your life that you want. Does this all count as illusion? What if you are the only one experiencing the things you experience? The people you interact with, are all experiencing their own lives, something completely different and separate from what we are.
I do believe everything is an illusion, and there is no one person who will have the same experience of the same event as another person, because not only are there different angles, but there are different thoughts, and different direct contact. Nothing is as it seems. And we have the power to change it. |
posted by Nikki @ 7:08 AM  |
Thursday, March 15, 2007 |
Chapter 3: Absolute Monocracy and Totalitarianism |
Oops. Did I just get myself flagged for this chapter? Maybe. But if this is the first time, I would be surprised.
Have you ever wondered where our nation is heading in terms of "the land of the free"? Have you felt like you're being constantly watched and your freedom is more and more being compromised? Well you'd be right. What we are headed for, is a fascist society. And oh, it will come. But be prepared. Know what you're in for.
Imagine, being given a time to wake up in the morning, and having it being implemented as if you were a teenager back in school. What about government rationed breakfast? No Fruity O's for you. Lets not forget the "government-provided" car that literally stops if it goes over a certain speed limit. You'll have to pay for that car yourself though. You won't control your speed as you drive down the street, computers will. Speed limit signs will no longer be inanimate objects, but they will have speed control on them that connect with the passing cars to automatically change the speed of them according to the zone.
Welcome to your job! You're overworked and underpaid, on a strict 10 hour day schedule with no breaks and only a half hour for lunch. More government rationed food for lunch. Places like Pizza Shack and McWhatever don't exist anymore. Your shift is over, though if someone can't make it to their shift after you because they are being punished for breaking the rules, well, you have to take over their shift too. But lets just say today you're lucky and no one rebelled. Its nearly curfew time. You'd better get home!
Television. You've got 3 channels to watch and two of them are government television. They pretend to tell you what is going on with your nation, but they really only tell you what they want you to know, and not the whole truth. They tell you things that keep you inside your house after curfew from fear of whatever punishment they are doling out this month. They tell you what you aren't allowed to do, say, wear, listen to, or think, or else.
Well, looks like its bedtime. The power in the city has been shut off in order to force people into bed. Can't read without a light. Its best to get to sleep now, the police will be patrolling in about a half hour to make sure we are all in bed.
Maybe its an exaggeration. Maybe its our future. Sometimes I get scared to curse in public for fear of a fine, or to play my music above level 25, lest i get pulled over by a cop and ticketed. So many human rights are being, not only denied, but taken away. I have to wonder how much more we will be denied, i have to wonder how much more will be taken away. Will our internal thoughts be monitored one day?
Prepare yourself for Year Zero.Labels: absolutism, fear, government, media, monocracy, totalitarianism, year zero |
posted by Nikki @ 7:55 AM  |
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 |
Chapter 2: Needle In The Ball Pit |
I'm sure a good many of you have received the email chain letter that warns you against letting your child get into the ball pit at McWhatever food chain because of the evils lurking at the bottom. They want you to know/believe that lying and festering at the bottom of the ball pit are the likes of feces, urine, vomit, dirty diapers, old rotten food, and even hypodermic needles with heroin in them.
If we are thinking logically, wouldn't something like this be a national news story and not just some random email getting forwarded around to gullible people? Do you realize you have to be under 3 feet or so to even get in the ball pit? I doubt drug addicts are handing their kids needles to drop in the pit for them to sabotage other little children. Now the rest of the stuff sounds feasible but i don't think these pits are swimming in this stuff either, otherwise more people would notice their children getting dirty every time they take a dive in the pit.
Chain letters and email forwards of these sort are basically out there to drive fear into the easily fooled. Its as if the media and the government don't drive enough fear into us as it is, but these muckabouts who have nothing better to do online feel the need to add to the stress the nation is already experiencing. People wonder why there are more people with agoraphobia than there used to be, and its because of fear.
Oh but then wait. The next chapter will feed on your fear. Sorry.Labels: ball pits, chain letters, email forwards, fear, gullible, media, needles, stress |
posted by Nikki @ 10:58 AM  |
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 |
Chapter 1: Hamburgers |
When was it decided that the human being needed so many tastes in their mouth all at once? Yes, of course, the Hamburger is amazingly delicious but order one with everything, and some extras. How many flavors are all going on at once?
-Bread -Beef -Lettuce -Tomatoes -Onions -Pickles -Mustard -Mayonnaise -Ketchup -Cheese -Bacon -Jalapeños -Barbecue Sauce
That's 13 flavors all going on at once, and I'm sure there are even some condiments that I am forgetting. What's the reason? Are we as a society so overtly bored that we need to do this sense overload to ourselves? Is it greed or gluttony that makes us want to keep on piling on the extras onto something that is already a finished product? I'm curious what makes us do this to ourselves. Its completely unnecessary, yet its become such a way of life, that a loaded hamburger seems completely natural and normal to us. Take a step back before you order that burger and ask yourself, "Why?"
Why?Labels: condiments, flavors, gluttony, greed, hamburgers, taste |
posted by Nikki @ 10:18 AM  |
Introduction |
This is my book. I've been wanting to write a book, and I have had several ideas for them, but none ever came to fruition. This will be my random book that I've dedicated to several forms of the out of the ordinary, and sometimes disturbing things in life. Probably nothing too graphic but indeed random. Randomosity is the wheel that steers us. Be ready to bleed. Labels: books, disturbing, ideas, introduction, odd, weird |
posted by Nikki @ 9:51 AM  |
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Name: Nikki
Home: San Antonio, Texas, United States
About Me: I am a music-phile. And I also like to over analyze things I know nothing about. Somehow, it helps me learn.
See my complete profile
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"In that way it's like you're telling it's history without knowing where it's going, or that maybe where it's come from was designed in advance, or even more amazing, that where it's gone was all a patient thing that this person wanted to do so that then it could appear to be there while it slowly becomes clear (even more in hindsight) that it was all planned and that all our thoughts were designed for us by our vision of what's to come."
- quote from 1999 Andrew WK interview |
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