Ready To Bleed
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Chapter 5: Subordinate to Technology
Society in general has become much too dependent on technology. We live our lives through our cell phones, our computers, internet, fax machines, mp3 players, bluetooth, and what's looked over as technology like cars, television and radio. We spend our lives with something attached to one part of our body or another. I'm doing it right now. So are you. How long before we start installing things inside of our bodies? Some people are already making that step, with RFIDs in their wrists for keyless unlocking of their houses, or inserting GPS into their animals in case they get lost, and some people even put the GPS tracker in themselves. None of this has hit mainstream. Yet. The more acceptable it becomes for people to carry around their mp3 player or to hold the bluetooth closer to their heads, the more acceptable it will become to have the bluetooth installed onto our skulls for easier access. We won't blink an eye when the person next to us at the piercing/tattoo parlor is having an mp3 player drilled into their arm. And we will be the one at the Apple store having our eyes set to be acting computer monitors instead of having the clunky thing on our desks.

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posted by Nikki @ 6:27 PM  
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Name: Nikki
Home: San Antonio, Texas, United States
About Me: I am a music-phile. And I also like to over analyze things I know nothing about. Somehow, it helps me learn.
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"In that way it's like you're telling it's history without knowing where it's going, or that maybe where it's come from was designed in advance, or even more amazing, that where it's gone was all a patient thing that this person wanted to do so that then it could appear to be there while it slowly becomes clear (even more in hindsight) that it was all planned and that all our thoughts were designed for us by our vision of what's to come." - quote from 1999 Andrew WK interview

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